An Israeli Army / Military / IDF Adjutant, Human Resources Directorate Corps 2 Black Beret's Badges / Symbols Set -
This Israeli Army / Military / IDF Adjutant, Human Resources Directorate Corps authentic 2 Beret badges / pins authentic collectors set includes:
1. The Human Resources Directorate Beret authentic badge / pin.
2. The Adjutant Beret prior badge / pin
The IDF, ZAHAL IDF Adjutant Beret prior badge recently replaced to Human Resources Directorate Beret authentic badge / pin Directorate Corps On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of its establishment, the Adjutant Chief Officer decided to change the name on the beret of the Corps to t Human Resources Directorate Corps both. Beret Badges combines with features of an open book under a sword combine with olive branches with two olive branches frame.
The book stand for education, the bow and arrow stands for the youth regiments pre military training programs.