8.9 $

An Israeli Army / Military / IDF Tactical Paratroopers' / Parachuting / Airborne & Tactical Jump Instructor Symbols – pins.

A Unique Parachutist wings symbol for those who graduate a tactical parachuting course.

Depending on the change in the shape of the parachute, the new pin features a square parachute in a circular place, with a sword behind it.

The pin will be given to combat soldiers who successfully graduate a tactical parachute training course, most of them soldiers of special units.

Warriors who perform a non-tactical parachuting course will continue to receive the familiar wings.

The tactical free fall used by cruisers and special units in specific tasks.

This is a drop from about 20,000 feet compared to 1,200 feet in normal automatic fall.

The main difference between the two parachutes is that the tactical parachute jumps to the point it wants to reach, which is a huge advantage when it comes to a focused operation that requires accuracy and concentration for the success of the mission.

The most common and frequent parachute drop in the school is the automatic drop, in which the fighter drops to the ground when he can not control his landing.